In a topographical representation of the periodic table with respect to nuclear stability (continent - sea - islands) and, as a consequence of this, to abundance (deserts -oases), the closest you can get with a real-world example is the following one:
Hydrogen would be situated at the far east of the Eurasian continent. From there, a line is drawn all the way towards Cap Griz Nez, at the strait of Dover in France. Relatively large watermasses in the middle of the Eurasian continent like Lake Baikal and the Caspian Sea could be seen as representing the two gaps technetium and promethium. Cape Griz Nez at the strait of Dover in France would be the equivalent of bismuth on the periodic table, at the shore of the "sea of instability". But the latter is now known to be unstable. Bismuth's most abundant isotope Bi-209 has a half-life in excess of a billion times the age of the universe. So if you would actually put that into perspective topographically, bismuth would be situated between the ebb and floodline of a protruding flat beach where the water at high tide doesn't rise above a picometre, which is much smaller than the size of a water-molecule. At first sight, it might look as if the strait of Dover should have been far more broad than it is to fit this comparison, but if one enters the abundance of the elements between bismuth and thorium into the equation, the comparison might stand or would even be grotesquely underestimated. The landmasses of the British Isles, Great Britain, the isle of Man and Ireland could be regarded as representing the only three significant "islands of stability": Th-232, U-235 and U-238. Great Britain represent thorium (proportionately, the island should be three times the size of Ireland in order to match the comparison), the Isle of Man represents U-235, much less abundant than the other two because of its much shorter half-life and the smaller Ireland compares to the more unstable and less abundant uranium. And ultimately, we end up with the last traces of primordial Pu-244, which due to its 80-million-year half-life just managed to survive the five gigayears of geological time only to narrowly fail to defy detection. Plutonium's situation on the periodic table is comparable to that of Rockall, a small, uninhabited, remote rocky islet in the North Atlantic Ocean, which has become the geographical epiteth of "remoteness" and "isolation". See
The main periodic table ends at bismuth, by geographical analogy, at the shore edge of a continent; a continental shelf continues however, with shallows beginning at radium that rapidly drop off again after californium, with significant islands at thorium and uranium, as well as minor ones at e.g. plutonium, all of which is surrounded by a "sea of instability", which renders such elements as astatine, radon, and francium extremely short-lived relative to all but the heaviest elements found so far. (See: )
As for terminology, some interesting Icelandic names for these outlying elements can be derived from this topographical comparison:
Thorium: eyblý (island-lead). This reason I used "ey-" or "eyju-" as the the first part of a compound name for thorium is twofold: firstly, it is founded upon the fact that the element was
discovered in a sample, originating from the Norwegian island Løvøy (Icel.
Laufey, "leaves' island"), see,_Telemark
and secondly and maybe more importantly, the fact of thorium being the most
stable and consequently most abundant element of the two only islands of nuclear
stability beyond lead and bismuth: thorium = eyblý (island lead) and uranium, úteyjublý ("outer-island lead", úteyja (outer island) + blý (lead)).
uranium: úteyjablý (The first part úteyja means " of the outer islands (of stability)" (U-235 and U-238). The second part -blý incdicates its position after lead and also the fact that after a long time the element will finally turn to "lead".
The first part in "úteyja-", út (outer, outlying), refers to the fact that the predominant uranium isotopes U-235 and U-238, represent the last significant "isotopal islands" of stability.
Plutonium: útskersblý (útsker ("outer rock in the sea", like Rockall or Kolbeinsey respectively off the Irish and Icelandic coast) + blý ("lead", situates the element after lead and points to its ultimate destiny). Plutonium constitutes the last outpost of the naturally occuring elements due to the relatively long half-life (80 million years) of its most stable isotope Pu-244, which ultimately ends up as the lead isotope Pb-207.
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